Friday 24 August 2018

The Three Billy Goats Gruff Setting Map

This week in literacy we had to watch a video of a fairy tale then we had to draw a picture of the setting here is my finished map.  We had to include a key explaining each of the settings and the order they came up in the story.  I enjoyed this activity because I liked being able to drawing as part of my learning.  Next time I would make the key a bit bigger so it is easier to read.


  1. Hi Abbie, this is Mrs P here. I think you did a great job of your setting map because you included all of the main settings from the story on your map. It is also great that you included a key to explain each of the locations on your map. Next time you could make sure your photo is a little clearer so we can see the detail in the drawing.

  2. Hi Abbie,
    My name is Abby from Ohaeawai Primary School.
    I think your map is awesome. I can see the bridge, water and the troll really clearly. You really do know how to describe a setting.
    From Abby.


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